Mirrors – Marieke Bertens

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Life is a mirror, it’s not real.

Marieke Bertens, Mirrors - a practical guide to change your reality quickly. A book about manifesting the best possible reality in the most easy way.

If what you see in your reality isn’t real, than, what is real?

Mirrors takes you on a practical path and explains what is real and what isn’t, so you can change your reality by focusing on what actually works.

The visible world is a world of results. Your subconscious is the world of causes. So if you want to have different results, you need to program different causes into your subconscious.

And that is pretty easy to do. Anyone can do it, even you.

How life works, how reality works and how you can change your life and your reality with ease, you learn in the book Mirrors. It’s practical, easy to follow and written with simple words. No woo-woo stuff, but to-the-point information that works, so you can manifest your dreams with ease.

This book is an excellent companion for our signature course: The Divine Path.

Mirrors, a practical guide to change your reality quickly.

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Book reviews

What readers say about the book (translated reviews from Bol.com):

is a wonderfully written book by Marieke Bertens.
In the book Marieke Bertens helps the reader understand that everyone is the creator of his own reality.
If we don’t like this reality, we can adjust it, but we have to do something about it ourselves.
Nothing goes by itself, read this special book and it will give you new life insights.
It is a very special book written noticeably with love and wisdom.

– Dennis

Finally a book about emotions “Why am I annoyed by people?” And how I can let it go.” It makes me aware of the negative emotions.

You are responsible for your own life. She tells you why and makes you aware of it. She insists.

It’s all about thoughts. Control your own thoughts, then control your own life. She tells you how to do that too. So don’t let your thoughts fly by or ignore them, but just observe and become aware of them; what thoughts do you have? Why do you have these thoughts? What story is in your subconscious? She tells how you can change the stories (negative) in your subconscious.

This book helps me to forgive others and myself more easily.

Enemies are your best teacher.”Personally it reminds me of Jesus and Judas story. Judas who had to betray Jesus so that Jesus could complete his life path/goal, and finally ascend to heaven. Judas is then the bad guy(enemy ), but made sure that Jesus brought the redemption for which he was born (Christian version). So thank you enemy.

Easy to read. And many recognizable examples in the book. She also recommends reading the book 3 times.

– Devi

This book is definitely recommended for those looking for change in their life.
It also helps you do your inner work.
Marieke teaches you to love yourself. With the book Mirrors you get ahead in your life!

– Anonymous

Powerful book!

Clearly described how mirrors work in your life and how you can see things differently, so that you can create a different life. A book to return to often.

CL11 – Boxtel

Highly recommended!!

It is an educational and profound book that opens up a new world for you! Very interesting and definitely recommended for anyone who wants to look further than just someone else.
