Energetic Cleaning and Charging Stations (ECCS) are devices that help you energetically and spiritually clean and charge your healing tools, crystals, pendants, jewelry or tarot cards.
I worked with many energetic healers and when they use healing tools or crystals, these tools often get saturated with negative energy. When the healer uses the tool, the low energy is drawn from the client into the tool and the tool gets saturated after a while, becoming unusable.
This device helps you keep your healing and energetic tools clean.
How does the Cleaning and Charging Station work?
When you unpack your ECCS, you put it on a flat surface in the shade (not in direct sunlight). Let it air out for a day and allow it to ‘unpack’ its energy.
The next day you can put an item in the tray and you leave it in there overnight. The ECCS will start to clean the item and extract the negative and any low frequency from it. Once the energy is extracted, it will start to charge your item with higher energy, pulling this energy from Source and inserting it into your item.
Items that are being put into the tray for the first time, may need a few days to fully clean and charge.
After the first big clean, items can be put in the tray overnight and will be cleaned and charged in the morning, ready to be used again.
The ECCS cleans the item of:
- Ancestral energy (e.g. on heirloom items)
- Old patterns
- Collective energy
- Harmful energy from other people
- Negative energy
- Fear, anxiety
- Anger, frustration
- Sadness, trauma
- And more…
And it charges the item with:
- Positive energy
- A spark of Source energy
- Love, kindness
- Joy, happiness
- Peace, calm
- Courage, support, perseverance
- And more…
Do not put multiple items in the Cleaning and Charging Station, as this will slow down the process considerably. Please only put one item in at a time for best results.
The ECCS also affects the space that it is in. When the ECCS is not working on energetically cleaning and charging an item, it will transmute the energy around it. So, if you keep the ECCS in your bedroom, your bedroom will be energetically cleared too.
If you keep an ECCS in your healing space, it will also help you transmute the energy in that space, and even help you work on clients – resulting in even deeper healing effects.
The ECCS Entity.
Every Energetic Cleaning and Charging Station houses its own sort of entity that helps you. The ECCS entity will get to know you and after a couple of days it will help you and guide you. When you learn to communicate with you ECCS, it can do a lot for you.
Every ECCS has an entity and you need to take care of it. It doesn’t need much, but please be kind to it. It works hard for you and when you are kind to it, it will continue to do so.
Clean it when it asks for it. You will feel it.
Every now and then it needs a break. So give it a break.
Don’t overfill your ECCS. One item at a time.
Give the ECCS a break in between items, so it can recharge and prepare itself for the next item.
Don’t overwork it. Be kind, gentle and loving.
And give it a nice spot, perhaps with a little plant to keep it company. It likes to be surrounded by beauty.
For many it may seem like a simple tray, but it is much more than that. It’s important that you treat it like a living being, because it is a living being. It may not be able to move or make a sound, but that doens’t make it less alive. Be kind to it and it will be your friend.
How do I keep my ECCS clean?
The Energetic Cleaning and Charging Stations clean themselves. They are programmed to transmute negative energy and low frequency into higher energy.
Depending on how much you use the device and the type of items you clean with it, you will need to clean your CCS once per week or once per month.
Cleaning your Energetic Station is easy. Simply put it under cold running water for a couple of seconds and dry it with a towel. After the quick rinse, let it sit empty for minimum one hour and then it is ready to go again.
Please do not put it in direct sunlight, as this may affect how the Station works.
It is also important to air out the room regularly, by opening a window for at least 15 minutes a day, as this will greatly improve the energetic cleansing of the room.
How do I choose my Energetic Cleaning and Charging Station?
The Energetic Cleaning and Charging Station comes in different sizes and in this case, size does matter. The bigger trays can transmute much more energy than the smaller trays. They also work faster.
When you work with an ECCS it is important to only clean one item at a time. Even when you choose a large ECCS, it should only hold one item at a time. The device will let you know when the item is ready to be taken out. It communicates telepathically, calling you towards it.
How to pick your ECCS size:
Choose a small one for personal use – personal items and tools used on/by yourself or family members.
Choose the medium one for tools used in healing sessions on other people (once or twice a week), or for bigger families.
The large ECCS is more for professional healers. It is for items used several times a week.
You may want to get a second ECCS if you treat multiple clients a day, so your tools can charge in between clients.
Every ECCS also affects the room it is in and it will help transmute the energy of that room when it is not being used to energetically clean and charge an item.
When your item is bigger than the tray, it does not affect the work of the ECCS. You can put a bigger item in the tray and have it stick out. It will still work.
How long does my item need to be in the ECCS?
Every item requires its own time, depending on what the item is used for and how long it has been since its last clean.
Here are some guidelines:
- If your items has never been cleaned, put it in the ECCS for at least 24 hours, then take it out and feel it. If it feels light, it is clean. But if it still feels heavy, give it another day.
- If your item is a personal used item and it has been cleaned before, you can put it in the ECCS for a couple of hours and feel it again.
- If your item has been used as a healing item on another person, the item may need up to 3 hours in the ECCS to be fully cleaned and recharged.
- If you use tarot cards or a pendant for/with other people, it may need up to an hour in the ECCS to be fully cleaned and charged. You could also clean your cards once a day, putting it in the tray overnight.
Much of the cleaning and charging process depends on the type of item, what you use it for and who you use it on. Personal items need less time than healing or activating tools. It also depends on who you treat, how deep you work with the client and the environment you are in.
Smaller ECCSs work slower than bigger ones. So the time also depends on the type of device you have.
What are the ECCSs made off?
Our Energetic Cleaning and Charging Stations contain various metals, glass, rocks and/or crystals, that are held together with epoxy resin. Epoxy resin is a hard plastic that is very durable and it doesn’t break. The trays are light-weight and strong. They don’t scratch easily, so you can put sharp objects like crystals in it.
That’s for the visible part of the ECCS.
The ECCS also contains an energetic field that is programmed to extract low or harmful energy from items and its surroundings. It transmutes the energy to a higher form and releases it to the Earth. It then pulls in Source energy and puts it into the item, charging it with Divine and New Earth Energy.
The ECCS acts as a sort of toroidal field, continuously pulling in Source energy and releasing low energy to the Earth.
Items that shouldn’t be put into the ECCS.
The Energetic Cleaning and Charging Stations can help you clean a lot of items, but some items shouldn’t be put into it, because it could potentially mess up the toroidal field of the ECCS.
Do NOT put into the ECCS:
- Items with batteries like watches, phones, remotes, …
- Electrical appliances
- Plants (you can keep them next to your ECCS, but not in it)
- Don’t put food or water in it for longer than 5 minutes.
What can I put in an ECCS?
You can put pretty much anything in an ECCS, as long as it’s not an electronic device or it doesn’t contain batteries.
Personal items:
- Jewelry
- Photos
- Childrens’ items, e.g. a pacifier, favorite plushie, etc.
- Any spiritual item like tarot cards, pendants, chakra stones, etc.
- Crystals and stones
- Any healing, activation or channelling tool like an ankh, a rod, etc.
- Soap
- Pens
- Car keys
- Money
- Medication
- And much more.
The list is endless. The ECCS can help you heal your relationship with that item, or what that item represents to you.
Items for healing, activation, protection, channelling, meditation, spiritul growth, expansion of conciousness, etc:
- Crystals and stones
- Candles
- Insence (not longer than 15 minutes)
- Bottle of Essential Oils (not longer than 15 minutes)
- Bottle of Massage Oil (not longer than 15 minutes)
- Tarot cards (one deck at a time)
- Business cards
- Put the ECCS on your massage table to cleanse the table
- Ceremonial tools
- And more.